“Maybe if you could read, you’d find everything there is to know about me.”
Stella is a red headed girl with blue-heterochromia, it is presumed her hair colour is natural by most that interact with her that are not family although it is anything but; she is one of the cousins of Mee-young Jaibatsume and out of all of her family, she finds herself closest with Korain Jaibatsume.
She has always been a bookworm, burying herself into stories since she was a child, setting her reading and comprehension skills far beyond most during her time in education; it was easy for Stella to find herself lost in the pages. Carrying herself with confidence, her steps were steady and decisive - Most of the time; every now and then, she stumbles. Stella is not always easy to figure out, sometimes you have to read between the lines to understand the girl.
Stella keeps to herself, only opening up to her family, she tends to hold dislike for drama or exaggeration despite her deep love for stories and prefers things more simple and straightforward; she never shares more than she needs to, her thoughts and feelings locked behind and iron vault only she knows the password to.